What a whirlwind few weeks with the LOC crew! Apparently people love to kick off the fall with laughter and connection. First I traveled to San Francisco for the annual Dartmouth Entrepreneur Forum to share the Laughter On Call story. An inspiring two days of alums coming together to hear ideas and how to get them funded. Expert panels, candid conversations and then for the close, laughter for all led by me and my fabulous business development person Joe Kardon. Very fun to share some tools to help passionate business folks keep their sense of humor.
Next was the WBDC annual conference in Chicago. Revealing my coastal upbringing, it’s only in the last few years that I’ve had the chance to explore this city. The locals cannot be nicer and the juxtaposition of water and city - I’m hooked!! Veteran LOC comics Nikki Ghisel and Sydney Adeniyi met me there where we were joined by local Chicago improvising expert Luis Cortes. What an honor to run a session celebrating retiring and inspiring president Emilia DeMenco. A lot of love in that room and by the time we were finished, a lot of laughter too!
From there I headed to Danville, CA for my first Vistage talk. A workshop for CEO’s and their partners which gave me the chance to dig back into “Take My Spouse Please”. Thank you Hal Brody for inviting me to talk about how to bring levity to all of life’s challenges. Whether you’re hoping to make an audience laugh, have a happier marriage, connect with an aging parent, or want to build a productive, creative team, learning some basic comedian’s tools always helps.
Not to sound like one of those inspirational ads, but then again why not? We love what we do.